The Grilling Life
The Definitive Guide to Ribs
America's penchant for barbecue is indisputable. This highly revered practice of preparing food according to the philosophy of barbecue is firmly entrenched in our cooking traditions. One of the favorite staples of barbecue lovers are ribs. But not all ribs..
Gifts for the BBQ Enthusiast
A Memphis Wood Fire Grill can make Christmas shopping easy, quick and painless. Due to the Memphis Grill's amazing versatility there is a long list of accessories available to purchase that will compliment both your grill and the floor space beneath your Christmas..
Add BBQ to your Healthy Eating Arsenal
Enjoying the delicious taste of BBQ doesn't have to be a deterrent to weight-loss or making healthy food choices. The days of chastising yourself after a weekend of BBQ are a thing of the past. A Memphis Wood Fire Grill offers new and exciting options to..
Memphis Wood Fire Grills Featured on Steven Raichlen’s Project Smoke
If you’re a fan of Steven Raichlen’s Primal Grill PBS television show or one of his many best-selling books you’ll be happy to hear that he has a brand new show that’s all about smoking! “Smoking is the new grilling,” says Raichlen, a five-time..
Winter Grilling
If you live in the northern states you know it can be easy to let the cabin fever sink in during the long last half of winter. Days are short and the wind is cold - time to hibernate, right? We say, fight it! If you are missing grilling on the patio in those..
Food Myths: Debunked
We’ve heard them all before. You can’t drink a gallon of milk in one sitting. No one survives “The Cinnamon Challenge.” Drink a pint of soy sauce and you’re sure to be thirstier than a camel after a long stroll in the Sahara. Those that manage to..
What’s your type? A quick guide to grilling personas
When it comes to grilling, everybody’s got a type. You may prefer the tried and true techniques from days of yore. Perhaps you close your eyes and flip through a cookbook, letting your finger (and fate) decide what’s cookin’ tonight. Or maybe you don’t..
The World of BBQ: South African Barbecue
For our final National Barbecue Month posting, we wanted to highlight a country that sees barbecue as more than just food, but (like we grill-addicted Americans) as a lifestyle. Just like we use the word “barbecue” to refer to a form of cooking as well..
The World of BBQ: Brazilian Barbecue
Another week, another scrumptious style of barbecue. For this one, we’re heading south and aren’t stopping until we see crazed soccer/football fans lined up a month in advance for the 2014 World Cup. You’ve guessed it: Brazil! The land known for its coffee,..
The World of BBQ: Korean Barbecue
While gogigui (pronounced go-jee goo-ee) may sound like the name of an evil villain straight out of a Marvel comic, fear not; it’s just the South Korean word for a favorite regional style: Korean barbecue. Whether you’re having bulgogi (think thinly cut..
The World of BBQ: Barbacoa
In honor of National Barbecue Month, we’ll be following our noses (and taste buds) around the world of barbecue. And because America is such a melting pot of cultures and experiences, we thought it was appropriate to look at where some of our favorite BBQ..
#Trending Now: The New Foods on the Grill Because All the Cool Grills are Doing it
We know you use your Memphis year-round, but there is just something about warm weather and sunny days that put us in an especially grill-happy mood. We’ve got our Old Faithfuls on the back burner when we’re in a hurry, but what about new food trends hitting..
Basketball & Barbecue: NCAA’s Final Four Teams Hit Their (Grilling) Marks
As March Madness wraps up in Arlington, Texas, the Final Four teams bring their own flair and flavor to the grill. They may have skills on the court, but how do these schools’ states throw down when it comes to outdoor cooking? See how your tastes match up..
Interview: Larry Adkins of Mad Dawgz BBQ
When it comes to cooking on a Memphis Wood Fire Grill, Pitmaster Larry Adkins of Mad Dawgz BBQ is a pro, literally. When Larry’s not traveling around the US competing with his wife and two sons in championships and kicking BBQ butt, he also runs a catering..
The Rizzo Show – Summer Grilling Special
Watch as host Tony Rizzo prepares and cooks ribs, chicken, and burgers all on his Memphis Grill. We loved the show and we're honored to see that he's a big fan of ours!Check it out for yourself: