Pellet Grill Tips and Tricks
Put Away The Grill in March? Madness!
With winter in full swing, some people might believe that grilling season is still months away. That is not the case. There is no such thing as an off-season when it comes to outdoor cooking. In fact, one of the best occasions to use your Memphis Wood Fire..
‘Tis The Season to Bake Cookies … On the Grill?
There are too many delightful holiday traditions to list them all. From advent calendars to that zesty eggnog only Grandma knows the secret to, the things that make the holiday season special for each of us are something we look forward to year after year...
Better Baking With Memphis Wood Fire Grills
Versatility can be a good thing. But it can also mask a jack-of-all-trades, master of none. At Memphis Wood Fire Grills, our products are built to be versatile, yes, but also to be a top-of-the-line solution for all your cooking needs. Our grills can deliver..
Memphis Thanksgiving: Preparing the Perfect Turkey
The single most popular day to fire up your Memphis Wood Fire Grill and get cooking is coming right up. It’s Thanksgiving. Given that it’s the holiday arguably more associated with food than any other, it makes sense that people turn to their Memphis Grills..
Thanksgiving: Our Busiest Grilling Day of the Year!
Wood Fire Flavor (and Additional Oven Space) for Thanksgiving While most assume that the most popular grilling days are during peak grilling season: the Fourth of July, Memorial Day, or Labor Day, that isn’t actually the case for us here at Memphis Wood Fire..
Just Keep Grilling: The Memphis Grill Knows Every Season
There is no doubt that Spring and Summer are considered the peak grilling seasons by many. The Fourth of July, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day and Memorial Day are four of the five most popular barbecuing days of the year (Labor Day is the fifth). Still, more..
Choosing the Perfect Wood Pellet for Every Dish
The versatility of a Memphis Wood Fire Grill is a feature unmatched by other outdoor cooking solutions. That versatility is part of what inspired us to work so hard to make cooking with a Memphis simple. Options are wonderful, but they can be overwhelming if..
Fall Fare & Grilling: What Fall Has in Store
Fall Fare & Grilling: What Fall Has in Store While it’s true that you can get almost any fruit or vegetable year-round, thanks to advancements in shipping and storage, it is also true that in-season, local produce has no equal from a flavor standpoint...
Comparing Wood Fire Grilling and Gas Grilling
Wood Fire Grilling vs Gas Grilling: What You Need to Know For many years, consumers were largely limited to the choice of charcoal vs. gas when it came to barbecuing options. New technology has introduced a third option that deserves consideration from people..
Wood vs. Charcoal Grilling: A Comparison
Wood vs Charcoal Grilling: How to Meet Your Outdoor Cooking Needs When it comes to barbecuing, people tend to have strong opinions about the best way to do things. Outdoor cooking comes with unique opportunities, as well as some challenges, in cooking to perfection...
How To Use Your Pellet Grill Direct Flame Insert
The Memphis Wood Fire Grill’s ability to reach high searing temperatures up to 600-700°F sets the grill apart from other pellet grills in its class. In fact, our grills are particularly popular with chefs (including celebrity chefs Steven Raichlen, Cake..
How to Know When Meat Is Done on the Grill
Even experienced grillers may have trouble identifying when an unfamiliar cut or shape of meat is finished. Knowing when your food has reached the perfect level of doneness can feel more like an art than a science. But with the right tools and the right knowledge,..
Celebrating the Release of Project Fire!
Celebrating the Release of Project Fire! Steven Raichlen is a grilling mastermind—he is referred to as America’s “Master Griller” by Esquire magazine, is the author of 30+ barbecue books, and hosts the popular PBS TV shows Project Smoke, Primal Grill,..
The Science of Wood Pellets
The Science of Wood Pellets All Memphis Woodfire Grills are fueled by wood pellets. In addition to its high-quality manufacturing and versatility, the Memphis is the best-performing pellet grill on the market. But much goes into making the fuel source that..
Elizabeth Karmel: Direct and Indirect Grilling
The key to great grilling is indirect heat. I always tell people that once they understand the difference between direct and indirect heat and when to use it, that they will embrace indirect heat. In fact, I use indirect heat at least 80% of the time that..