Installing the Memphis Intelligent Temperature Control Box in your Outdoor Kitchen

Outdoor kitchen Grill With Memphis Wood Fire Grills

Recently we’ve seen a movement of people creating spectacular outdoor kitchens featuring Memphis Wood Fire Grills and we strive to make sure they have the most positive wood fire experience possible. To do this, we’d like to share some tips that will help you install one of the most important components of our grill – the Intelligent Temperature Controller.

Intelligent Temperature Controller now with WiFi!

The Intelligent Temperature Control box allows you to regulate your temperature at 5-degree intervals, and it accurately controls your wood fire pellets so you can maintain the desired cooking temperature. The installation process for this box is extremely important if you want to take advantage of its cooking accuracy, wifi, and other ‘smart’ capabilities. When you install this controller box in your outdoor kitchen or built-in kitchen island there are several things to know before you start. First, when you unpack your controller box it will come sitting inside another metal box called ‘the controller bracket’. A common mistake people make when installing their outdoor kitchen island is that they don’t detach the box from the bracket, and install them together instead. You want your controller to always be able to detach from the bracket so you can easily access the ethernet cable and power supply.

If you are installing your Memphis built-in (especially if you’re grouting or caulking) make sure you install and secure the bracket first so your controller box can slide in and can always be removed. The picture on the right shows a controller box incorrectly installed, permanently secured to the bracket.


When you install the bracket into your outdoor kitchen island, make sure that you have an opening of at least 8 ½”, a height of 6 ½”, and a depth of 3 ¾”. The reason for this is you want your controller box to be both out of the way while you’re grilling, and easily accessible when you need to remove it.

Below you can see a correctly installed controller box with the bracket properly attached to the outdoor kitchen. For further information about installation we highly recommend reading our built-in manuals.

To check out our full line of built-in wood pellet grills, please click here.